
Bring your ideas to life with Buckhead Apps

Our Development Services

Mobile App Development

Design and Development from one dedicated team. Perfect for building a minimum viable product.

Project Based Development

Need additional bandwidth for a project? Get a team dedicated to your temporary or non-core projects.

Application Development

Customized software application development dedicated to meeting your business needs.

Hybrid Teams

Offshore development paired with local engineering. Perfect for price sensitive projects.

and more...

Get our senior resources at a lower cost than hiring internally.
Our dedicated teams ensure you have a quality development experience.

FlexDev aims to be your go-to agency for all your development needs.

Why Work With Buckhead Apps?

Our in-house expertise and dedicated teams can help serve all of your design, engineering, and marketing needs.
From web and mobile development to branding and UX/UI, Buckhead Apps offers flexible solutions at flexible prices.